Bad inventions: Dog skates and conductive paint toilet seats!

From my notebook pages of ridiculous inventions and bad ideas, for your amusement. As I fiddled with a pot of conductive paint and thought about murals on the wall with blinky LEDs, I had the horrible idea of painting a toilet seat with conductive paint in such a way so that when you sit on … Continue reading “Bad inventions: Dog skates and conductive paint toilet seats!”

Bad invention: The Sockerchief!

Imagine you have to blow your nose. You don’t have any pockets and no tissues are handy. But wait! You’re wearing your Sockerchiefs! Sockerchiefs, the latest in my line of horrible and pointless inventions, would be a handkerchief attached to your sock with velcro. Reach down, rip off the top half of your socks, and … Continue reading “Bad invention: The Sockerchief!”

Reclaiming our brunchlord glory

It’s new notebook day! Always lovely even if you haven’t finished the new notebook (though I have!) to start afresh, to make resolutions, to number the pages and have an aspirational Index page, and best of all to feel the infinite possibilities of the fresh start and the blank book! Uncontaminated by to-do lists and … Continue reading “Reclaiming our brunchlord glory”

5 Minutes of Fame tonight!

Tonight at Noisebridge, our lightning talk event, 5 Minutes of Fame! I’ll be speaking at 5MoF about Bad Inventions, going back over at least 20 years of my own horrible inventions, some of which came to fruition and some which have not (YET). As if you needed ANY reminder, Five Minutes of Fame is Noisebridge’s … Continue reading “5 Minutes of Fame tonight!”


I love public speaking, whether it’s speaking at conferences, teaching, or doing literary readings. I also love to bring interesting people together for discussions, organizing and moderating panels, talks, or entire conferences. Here’s a list of some of my talks and readings, as well as conferences I’ve been to. Facilitor/organizer, DIFxTech Community Conversations series. 2023. … Continue reading “Speaking”

A day in the life of Capp St. Noisebridge

Noisebridge moved into the new space, what, a year ago or so? Something like that. Because of the pandemic, we have been a little slow settling in, and this winter with the rain and Omicron surge, there wasn’t a ton of activity – a solid core of regulars working to get the space organized, the … Continue reading “A day in the life of Capp St. Noisebridge”

Hipster Habit App; strategies to cope with pain

Last week I printed out my friend Amelia’s Hipster Habit App to try it out. How much more could I possibly love this little site that is just a one page pdf that you print and fold into a tiny pocket zine, but calls itself an “app”. Yay! So silly and awesome! I wrote “naps” … Continue reading “Hipster Habit App; strategies to cope with pain”