2 thoughts on “Blog posting month! NaBloPoMo

  1. This year was the first year since I heard of NaNoWriMo that I seriously ignored the event. I logged into the website once, I think, before it started, then kept away. I didn’t read the emails. I didn’t attempt to even start.

    And that’s a good thing. I work full time, go to school full time and am raising two daughters (10 days to go and they’ll both be teens). I don’t need the extra stress of trying to write a 50,000 word novel when I’m behind in school projects.

    However, I think I can manage to write a blog post a day. I’ll sign up for NaBloPoMo. I may have to do it between my personal blog and my work blog – which has been sadly neglected since August. But I think that’s a reasonable goal for me.

    My reason for neglecting my work blog is because I have a certain expectation about what I can and cannot post. I won’t post very personal details. I’ve already gotten hate email about being a comment administrator, and don’t need that to spill over to my family. I obviously can’t complain about things at work. And I have to post something I think people will be interested in.

    Then there’s the blog I started on geeks.pirillo.com – that one focuses on my identity as college student. Or my fiction writing blogs (two). I’ve got too many choices and therefore find myself unable to start, stuck in a rut of “I should.”

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