Messing with Inform7 today

Thinking about this because I started showing Inform7 to my son. Inform7 is very elegant game programming language and interactive development environment. I recommend it! I think he will be teaching me some Unity in return…

Years ago I did a lot of coding for a MUD, a text based multiplayer interactive fiction game. After playing lots of MUDs, MUSHes and MOOs through the 90s I am not quite sure when I started coding but seems like late 90s, mostly for a MUD called Arcane Nites. It was fun being an “immortal”, helping new players and acting as a game moderator to resolve disputes and stop abusive or spammy behavior, often along with another immortal, an enormous macho giant named Stomp, who I only later realized was a woman older than me, old enough to be a grandma. Also later I heard from players who were like, 12 year olds at the time (which explains the frequent need for moderation). (Hi, y’all!)
In fact, I wrote a lot of code while pregnant or while actually wearing my son in a front carrier. Gaming is truly in his blood!
I remember working on some kind of in-game messaging or bulletin board system; little projects like expanding the “socials”, actions you could take in game, and having great time writing them to look properly grammatical depending on whether you were doing the action, seeing the action, or experiencing the action on yourself. I wrote code to made liquid containers behave properly with different liquids, and I think I got obsessed for a while with adding other physical properties to objects but don’t remember much of that.
But, the main fun of MUDs for me was writing new areas of the game. I’ve talked about this before but I wrote one based on the Chinese classic, Hong Lou Meng, translated a few different ways, “Story of the Stone” or “Dream of the Red Chamber” or “Dream of Red Mansions”. I had three different translations of it, drawing up elaborate character lists, geneologies, and so on to keep track of the different names of characters across the translations. In my version, you could walk around a small part of the town and the two houses of the Jia (or Chia) clan and the extensive gardens behind the houses. There were supernatural elements – you could end up in realm of the Stone itself, and there was also a dreamlike, kind of racy cave sequence where you traveled in time, or something, and ended up finding Hsi-men Ching and Golden Lotus from Jin Ping Mei.

Anyway, today I went looking for these files and started converting my version of the Battle of Kurukshetra from the Mahabharata into Inform7. I don’t have a good key to the old game data files so I am having to figure out a lot of weird data! It’s fun. If I can do this successfully then I’ll put the areas up as standalone playable interactive fiction. Since in the MUDs they were written for, the “point” was not just to explore, but to kill everything and loot its corpse, taking equipment and wearing it, and so on, I will have to either figure out some different experience (perhaps a more wholesome one of puzzle or mystery solving) or write a battle system for Inform7. Or, I may just release them as areas to wander and explore. Most of the point was absorbing the atmosphere, really.

Fiction about kids who write poetry

Found this in my old drafts folder from …. well, more than 10 years ago! I clearly meant to expand on these thoughts with examples from the books but never got it together. Fun anyway though!


I re-read The Boyhood of Grace Jones the other day and loved it for its mid 20th century genderqueer “tomboy” protagonist, but most of all for her surety that she could choose and make herself. All the kids and adults around her were clueless, insisting that there was a binary choice between heredity and environment – every aspect of a person was controlled by those factors. Grace Jones insisted there was another thing everyone had inside that let them create themselves how they wanted to be! I loved that.

I owe several posts on ETech and SXSWi and SexTech, but I’m going to write about this first!

Grace Jones goes through a lot, but her most intense realization comes when she writes a couple of poems and then doesn’t know what to do next. She is stunned by the realization that these big ideas were in her and she was able to put them out. Then what! Children don’t have much outlet for big ideas or poetry. I found myself contrasting Grace’s, and Anastasia Krupnik’s, fictional-character poems with the ones from girls’ books from earlier generations, like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm’s poem she gives to Mr. Ladd (Spoiler: she grows up and marries him.) It is very twee and is sort of about God, and she breathlessly awaits his judgment of whether she could be a “real writer” someday. That happens a lot in girls’ books, doesn’t it?

Note from 2018: Not sure I was remembering this correctly – Rebecca shows her poem to Miss Maxwell first –

This ingenuous remark confirmed Miss Maxwell’s opinion of Rebecca as a girl who could hear the truth and profit by it.

“Well, my child,” she said smilingly, “your friends were wrong and you were right; judged by the proper tests, they are pretty bad.”

“Then I must give up all hope of ever being a writer!” sighed Rebecca, who was tasting the bitterness of hemlock and wondering if she could keep the tears back until the interview was over.

“Don’t go so fast,” interrupted Miss Maxwell. “Though they don’t amount to anything as poetry, they show a good deal of promise in certain directions. You almost never make a mistake in rhyme or metre, and this shows you have a natural sense of what is right; a ‘sense of form,’ poets would call it. When you grow older, have a little more experience,—in fact, when you have something to say, I think you may write very good verses. Poetry needs knowledge and vision, experience and imagination, Rebecca. You have not the first three yet, but I rather think you have a touch of the last.”

“Must I never try any more poetry, not even to amuse myself?”

“Certainly you may; it will only help you to write better prose.

I could only find this bit of Rebecca’s poem:

Then come what will of weal or woe
(Since all gold hath alloy),
Thou ‘lt bloom unwithered in this heart,
My Rose of Joy!

Maybe the scene with Mr. Ladd is in the sequel, which I also remember being mostly about Rebecca agonizing about whether she could ever be a “real writer”.

Laura Ingalls’ poem, on a more frivolous note, but one that shows Laura’s realization of the dangers of verse composition for a popular audience:

Going to school is lots of fun,
From laughing we have gained a ton,
We laugh until we have a pain,
At Lazy, Lousy, Lizy Jane.

I don’t have Grace Jones’s poems handy but remember her reciting Kubla Khan to herself.

Remembering Louise Fitzhugh’s wonderful character, Harriet the Spy’s poem experience as she goes through every letter of the alphabet trying to find words to rhyme with “pain”. Her thought process during this poem was just amazing to me (when I was a kid who thought similarly) and I love her.

And finally, Anastasia Krupnik’s poem. (Which I also don’t have handy but which I recall being in all lower case and about undersea creatures and just a little embarrassing, but good)

Anastasia notably falls off the top of the rope climbing thing in gym class & breaks her arm while triumphantly reciting a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay. (O world! I could not hold thee close enough!) Her dad is a poet and professor and a kind of cool, dorky dude. We get an updated version of the old scene of a nervous girl clutching sheaf of poems to her chest as she hands them to the newspaper editor. Anastasia explains to him in outrage how she practiced her poem and read it very fancily to her class and teacher, who didn’t get it. He’s supportive and proud! But the best thing about the scene is that Anastasia is already sure that she did something amazing.

I think it is interesting to consider poetics, and writing, as an important point of resistance to patriarchy, especially for young girls and women. There are just a zillion other examples of women writing about young girls and young women who are trying out being a writer, and what other people tell them, and how they react…. Surely there are also a ton of academic papers about this!

New book & a nice day

New book, The Founding by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (cool name!), the first in a truly enormous series of historical novels starting during the Wars of the Roses. I was sold on the intro which is a huge bibliography of sources for her historical research.

Today, very intense work day again, but then I went out and bought a tiny Christmas tree, back at work again, then out to work at a cafe with visiting friends, more errands (post office, to mail my contribution to an APAzine, etc), more work, wrapping christmas presents (still a huge mess all over the living room floor) and out to sushi, which was excellent. (Ichi Sushi, best in San Francisco!) You should definitely have the ocean trout. We bought beers for the sushi chefs and toasted them, it was so amazing. Also nice, other friends just kept seeing us through the window and then coming in to hug us. !!! Now that’s living.

It’s fun to be in an APAzine – I’ve always thought it sounded so neat and old school. I want to do it better justice than a sort of diary entry so I will be thinking about that for the next go-round.

After all this I am too tired to say anything super meaningful. I’m so happy to have this enormous book series to read over the holidays!

Low key neighborhood day

I am reading Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi and I highly recommend it! It’s an epic novel about a family in Uganda over a 300-year time span. Here’s a review of Kintu in the NY Review of Books. But take it from me this is a fabulous book. My favorite sort of long, complicated novel with multiple dimensions, that really creates a holographic body of knowledge you would not otherwise have a way to express or learn, through stories of chance and causality over many generations.

My day was a usual Wednesday; I woke up around 7, had coffee, sat in front of my special winter daylight lamp doing Duolingo practices, read for a while, then to work, meetings, more work, more meetings. At 10am I went off to the neighborhood center for senior tai chi class (free!) where I’ve been going for the last couple of years. It turned out that later in the afternoon there was a holiday party & choir performance, so after some more work and one of the amazing, tasty vegan salads I get delivered from Thistle, I went back up the hill to the party. It’s a good thing I dressed up for it because most everyone was dressed to kill!

The choir sang a Chinese tune (in English, but in what sounded to me like the Chinese scale) that was quoting Confucius (When there is harmony in the house, there is order in the nation, etc), a Hanukkah song in Ladino (Ocho Candelitas), When I’m 64 (but they sang 94 instead) and a Grateful Dead song to round out our cultural tour (as the conductor commented, he felt that it was important to represent that aspect of San Francisco cultural diversity). I was in the back of the room next to a lady with an adorable baby who was doing baby sign language. Saw several of my friends from tai chi (Gerry, Violeta, Anastasia, and others) but it was a big crowd and I could not get to the cookies or the potluck food…. alas. I discovered though during the Silent Night singalong (audience sings regular version, choir sang some sort of counterpoint) that I can still sing the alto part and my voice is not horrible (Also not great). Thanks, years of choir.

I sent a short clip of the Grateful Dead song to my son, who last year took a college class that was just about the Grateful Dead, taught by the archivist at UC Santa Cruz of their archives, and by the end of that class he appreciated them but was also kind of tortured by Too Much Dead, All The Time and having to study very hard to be able to identify different songs and versions of the songs BY YEAR. Anyway, I trolled my son by sending him this video clip.

Then back home in a leisurely fashion, catching Pokémon and hacking Ingress portals all the way down the hill, back to work and providing a useful, warm platform for the cat.

I will likely finish Kintu before bed and start something else!

Imagining the SF Disability Cultural Center

A bunch of us tonight got to meet with folks from the Longmore Institute to brainstorm about a Disability Cultural Center for San Francisco. What would we want it to be? What services or facilities should it have?

Please take the survey if you are local and would be interested in this sort of center!

“Local disability leaders are planning a community cultural center where people with disabilities can get services, build community, learn about disability history, and build disability culture.

Dream big! This will be the first center of its kind, so we need to hear from YOU.”

It was a lot of fun talking about what we’d love to see in this hypothetical new place. Meeting and event rooms, spacious public areas that are homey and beautiful with natural light and lots of seating, with lots of art, good acoustics (not loud or echoing), a cafe and workspace, some kind of workshop or maker area, references to other services, and so on. There would be built in equipment to livestream and conference in people remotely so that people who can’t make it to events could still participate.

History of a foot

The gradual releasing of something in my right foot, from a solid mass of clenched up muscle spasms that I couldn’t straighten out, stretched, massaged, rolled, smeared with Voltaren, ketamine cream, and marijuana salve, dragged and limped on since the early 90s, coddled with orthotics for its inward roll which destroys my shoes, folded over in a tremendous crunch in a surfing wipe-out at Corona del Mar while I was 5 months pregnant, walked on the edge of, stuck with torture needles by heartless neurologists, handshaking oddly with sciatica, blended into a shiver of allodynia with the outside of my calf and the superficial peroneal nerve, and the cruel roots of achilles tendinopathy, stuffed into a moon boot for a year propped up on wedges, I feel guilty for calling you my “bad leg” or “bad foot” as if I’m a parent playing favorites among children. It is not always “bad” but it’s always with me like an imaginary friend that I’m aware of as a separate entity with feelings and behavior of its own that I can’t predict or control. Embodied pain is a familiar companion. You get to know its personality.

Years of putting my foot in my partners’ lap to beg for them to try and work out a cramp. Electric shock zaps, buzzing, numb, a million needles, deep ache. Icy cold, suddenly burning like fire ants. The touch of even just air, though an actual breeze is so much worse, feeling like icy fire. When the touch of clothes or weight of a blanket is horrible but has to be borne. I want to protect this leg, don’t bump into it, don’t touch it, not even gently — I could hunch over it fiercely, snarling like a mother wildcat.

In some ways I think of how it felt to be pregnant. I didn’t realize it until my son was born, but while I was pregnant, I was not alone in my body. I was always thinking of him and aware of him as a presence doing things independently from within, next to me and separately animated and motivated, but still contained. A roller coaster you can’t get off, disturbing, rocking your sense of self and power over your body. It was a comforting companionship, even if that sometimes meant having someone hiccuping inside your abdomen at 4am. Then he was born and I was like, “Oh! You’re not there now! You’re somewhere else! I didn’t even hardly realize how much I knew you were there with me, in me!”

My awareness of my leg has some echoes of that experience. I am almost always aware of it (of the pain or odd sensations). I can block it out for a while, but the wall, or the box, to contain it takes effort to maintain. I am in an unwilling, more or less constant, dialogue with the pain. When I’m tired over the course of day it can be very distracting. Hard to focus, or listen to people, or engage socially even though I’m wildly outgoing, because I’m listening to my demanding embodied companion. I have to get kind of like Ninshubar and her little minions the kurgarra and the galatur are to Erishkegal. “Oh! my insides!” “Oh! Your insides!” Honestly, it isn’t even that bad, but it means I have to make space for it to happen. You can’t not listen to it indefinitely. That doesn’t turn out well. You have to have some empathy and be decent to it. A little acknowledgement.

Like having a magnetic sense, or knowing where north is at all times by wearing a little buzzer and compass combination, or another kind of sense or orientation inexplicable by the most commonly understood senses, I have this paranormal awareness, some region of my brain has overdeveloped to handle the signals and try to separate them from the noise, like SETI or a Very Large Array scattered around the nerve cells of my calf. It’s there, and sometimes I have to just stuff it all inside its box, or the underworld, until there’s space to listen properly.

A sweet massage therapist who has been willing to come to my house and just work on that leg, foot, ankle, for 3 hours at a time even, with subtle movements of the joint, loosening it strand by strand over the last few years. She wants to cure it, to find the magic button, to be a healer, to fix me, to re-route the channels. I want a little space, a little relief, gentleness and movement that isn’t a struggle. She doesn’t know the power of her healing, thinking it lies in another direction. It is ongoing, like those lumpy rubber rolling pins underfoot, ice packs, hot pillows, soft braces even in the swimming pool to save it from the sway of the water, the comforting hug of the night splint keeping something like an 85 degree angle, compression socks.

In the last year the solid feeling mass of pain eased up. It differentiated. I could feel specific muscles to work on. The part of my foot that was folded over in the surfing sprain “wants” to be folded “up” in a particular, non intuitive way. Standing on the steps, backwards, hanging my heels off the edge, rising and lowering. Braced against the door to try a painful hamstring stretch. Curled against the pool wall doing the same. Lying on the floor or in bed, my hips up on a pillow, legs going along the wall, feet in the air, trying to get them to calm down. Trying to be mindful as I step. What muscles in the foot are hitting the ground, which are working, am I pushing off? What is happening with my gait? In an odd way, I can feel new, different things, trying to name them and address them one at a time. There is more subtlety.

It isn’t that there are no good sensations. Like the good moments of being in the really, truly warm sun, with no wind, and my leg luxuriating in no pain, in a no-motion warmth, or buried in warm sand on a beach, with so many sensations that aren’t pain — it is extra wonderful and exceptional. Or what I try to do, and I’m sure Erishkegal would have been into, slathering my leg with several kinds of lotion, because why not, it’s something different to feel and a way to connect and it passes the time — capsaicin cream, that hopeful but ethereal Voltaren, maybe some lemon balm or something nice smelling, the funky hippie-couch stank of weed salve lightly disguised with menthol. Or, when I sink into a soft bed with feather light, warm alpaca comforters, leg encased in half of one quilt, protected, safe, away from the air or any roughness, with the promise of rest.

Last week I had gotten some groceries and then a flowerpot and some cat litter at the top of the hill. I didn’t have enough grocery bags. The cat litter and flowerpot were on my powerchair footplate and my feet resting on top to keep them from falling off, a bit awkward but I could do it for a few blocks to get home. I hit a plastic bag on the sidewalk just in front of the house, skidded sideways by just a little, and came up against the tree planter, bending my Bad Foot backwards in a hideous parody of the surfing fold and reverse massage move – The right outside half of my foot, the bones leading to my smallest toes, folded UP. A warm feeling flooded my ankle and foot.

I got back into the house heavily leaning on my cane not wanting to put weight on the foot. It felt almost good! How strange! It didn’t hurt! How was that possible? I put ice on it and stayed off it. Then realized the reason it didn’t hurt was because it was numb.

Of course, I have imagined the foot being gone. What if it… it just wasn’t there? What if I was in an accident and it happened to be that this foot had to go its own way? I would miss it, or would I? Would I have phantom pain, worse than the pain now? Surely, it would just be a whole different dialogue, a dialogue with a ghost. It would be even more omnipresent yet invisible to others like the guy who got chased around town by his own nose. It becomes a nonsensical thought, like having a sinus infection and wishing you could remove your sinuses, which of course you can’t since they are holes in your head and you can’t make a hole be any less than it is. There is no getting away from our embodiments.

At some point in the evening the numbness thawed and became needles jabbing. After the needles subsided a day later, it was like something had torn in many places, but a good tear. My working theory is that maybe some scar tissue was loosened up, even maybe some scar tissue around a nerve sheath? It’s not like I know anything. The shape of my leg awareness is different now. It isn’t fixed. But it’s wildly different. I’m playing with it, with stretches and tai chi and in how I think about weight distribution when I take a step.

That strange experience last week (still ongoing) made me think about my complex relationship with my leg, and its weird fluctuations of pain and functionality. Apparently the Queen of the Underworld will continue to strike hard bargains with me, and there really is no moral to the story and i’m not going to literally name my leg, it’s just that I had this lyrical feeling about my leg and wanted to honor it beyond its badness, and to respect how we coexist, like a witch with her familiar.

SF International Hip Hop Dancefest

A few weeks ago Milo and I went to the San Francisco International Hip Hop Dancefest at the Palace of Fine Arts. It’s always an amazing show! It’s one of San Francisco’s great treasures, and this is year 20 of the annual festival run by Micaya. The festival itself conveys how deep the Bay Area community runs and fosters these strong ties across countries to other dancers. Really a beautiful community.

Highlights, Loyalty Dance Team from Murfreesboro, Tennessee’s performance of This Is Wakanda!!! So dynamic! So creative! The skill! They express such joy! Last year I loved their 101 Dalmations dance so much I became a staunch fan! Maybe that sounds weird, but it was a beautiful narrative transformation and celebration of pop culture. They are just superstars.

I also really loved Duwane Taylor (from London) in his piece It’s Time to Speak. It was incredibly moving. I think the first half, or certainly a long intro, of it was Duwane dancing but without speaking, enacting some of the history of black folks (I think, particularly in the United States, the Civil Rights Movement). He stood (silently) at a podium and danced out Martin Luther King’s speeches and assassination. He danced Malcolm X. He was dance-miming out a more and more impassioned protest at this podium that went faster and faster. Krump style dance with explosive, convulsive movement, he is really a genius! At some point the dance seemed to lead into present day struggles against police violence and police murder of black people. I would even say of disabled black people, which transcends the situation in the U.S. I wish for a video of this particular performance online because it was different than the earlier version I was able to find. Then, at some point Duwane did begin to speak, and rap. The civil rights movement improved things but here we still are in a world with such violent injustice. Speaking out and activism are just what we have to keep on doing.

Here is what looks like an older version of the piece:

Amenti Movement was also absolutely mindblowing. Emotional, intimate, I would even say it felt somehow they were dancing ways that men heal each other from a culture of toxic masculinity, and so many other damages, to one of tenderness and support, painful as that can be. Not sure if that was part of their intent, but it’s what I was seeing from their performance.

This would be incomplete without mentioning the cool as hell Hip Hop Nutcracker performance by The Tribe! Wow!!!! They took it to the next level. And you can still see this as it’s coming up December 16th in Redwood City at the Fox Theater!

Some science fiction/fantasy with disabled characters

Or with an interesting take on variations of ability or human/machine integration/enhancement.

I might mention some or all of these in the panel today at CripTech. And, I’ll come back later today and add links to this list and some notes on the panel.

“Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction” – magazine issue/anthology
On the Edge of Gone – Corinne Duyvis
Murderbot by Martha Wells
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Various books by Becky Chambers
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Brain Plague and The Highest Frontier by Joan Slonczewski
Autonomous by Annalee Newitz
“We Who Are About To…” Joanna Russ
A Study in Honor, Claire O’Dell
Borderline – Mishell Baker
Of course, the Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold

Heading over to CripTech

Heading over to the CripTech symposium now. Its full title is: CripTech: Disability and Technology in Japan and the United States – an International Symposium. I spent the morning yesterday with some of the conference speakers as we toured SF Lighthouse.

Technology has the potential to greatly improve access and the full social participation of disabled individuals in Japan and the United States. Both countries have invested considerable sums in these directions, but often this research is being conducted separately from the key stakeholders. This symposium brings together technologists, anthropologists, educators, and other researchers who are working on the nexus of technology, access, and design in Japan together with scholars, engineers, researchers, and activists in the United States for a four-day symposium and workshop in Berkeley, California, the home of the independent living movement. The majority of the participants identify as disabled people.

I’ll be speaking Saturday morning after the showing of Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement, on a panel with Ian Smith and Gregor Wolbring, moderated by Franchesca Spektor.


The ultra-unreal

Enjoying this essay a lot: Modern China is So Crazy It Needs a New Literary GenreOn Living Through the “Ultra-Unreal,” and Writing About It

Many of China’s “ultra-unreal” phenomena are written about on the internet immediately after they occur. Reality is a text to begin with, and now that the internet can show us “ultra-unreal” phenomena that we otherwise would not know about, we end up with a sort of doubled “ultra-unreal.” This has created a huge challenge for fiction. Fiction can no longer just tell straightforward stories about single topics following single narrative arcs; reality is providing us with all sorts of rich possibilities for experiments in fictional form. To some degree, the more true to reality fiction is these days, the more avant-garde it will seem. The way we look at things determines the way we write about them. Reality is mutable.

There are some interesting statements about the nature of “magical realism”.

I need to read this author’s books. This sounds glorious & ridiculous. I lost the thread just reading a single paragraph of the synopsis of PART of the book.

There are three layers to my novel. The first is the story of a man who has been infatuated with libraries since childhood. He is the narrator of the novel. His dream is to live in a library, and in his apartment he has a lot of books and a lot of mirrors. Because of the infinite regress effect of the reflection of the books in the mirrors, he is able to approximate his childhood dream of living inside a library. He has no disability, but he likes to do his reading while sitting in a wheelchair. He likes to wheel himself around among his books and mirrors. He becomes a volunteer companion to inmates on death row, and he moves into the prison for a while. He talks to the inmates the way a priest would. He thinks of the prison as another sort of library.