Pacman Cookies

We interrupt this serious broadcast to say that there should be more Pac Man and Space Invaders cookies. Someday I’ll make myself Pacman cookie cutters. Space Invaders cookie cutters would be great too.

Also, someday I’d like to create the entire Pacman board out of cookies. The fruit should be made from marzipan!

pacman cookies

It’s not hard to shape these by hand from sugar cookie dough and a lot of food coloring. These cookies were made from pre-colored dough. I think sugar cookies with a lemon glaze would work very well next time!

If you enjoy 80s geek nostalgia like I do, then you might like this amazing crocheted Atari console with Pitfall on the screen, made by jackrabbit, whose crafts you can buy on etsy!

best thing EVER

Or these incredibly great tshirts… I want the Missile Command and Asteroids ones.

6 thoughts on “Pacman Cookies

  1. ahh, the days of my youth. I’m an 80’s gal myself and loved the arcade days playing Donkey Kong, Centipede, Pacman and Ms. Pacman. I can remember the fun we had trying to beat the high score, and doing it. (after endless amounts of quarters or tokens of course!) These cookies bring back a bit of nostalgia for me, and make me want to make them and then dig my old Atari 7800 out of the closet and begin playing…

  2. Well i am not that old tbh. But pacman is still a very adorable game for me. Nowadays you get all kinds of games (tactical, action packed and simulators) which can really test your skill to the limit. Yes they are a lot more fun but they can be overwhelming. Sometimes i do wonder whether sitting at your pc/console for hours playing Half Life or Doom for instance can be classified as ‘fun’. Nothing beats the simplicity and innocence of the pacman and other Atari arcade games.

  3. Well i am not that old tbh. But pacman is still a very adorable game for me. Nowadays you get all kinds of games (tactical, action packed and simulators) which can really test your skill to the limit. Yes they are a lot more fun but they can be overwhelming. Sometimes i do wonder whether sitting at your pc/console for hours playing Half Life or Doom for instance can be classified as ‘fun’. Nothing beats the simplicity and innocence of the pacman and other Atari arcade games.

    If I win the HP magic giveaway prize i would love to share it with friends and family. I would share the Hp touch smart, printer and Kung Fu Panda DVD with my family while keeping the HDX 18 series as a personal notebook. I will donate the dv4t notebook to either St. Patrick’s High School or Read Foundation and the HP mini to a college class fellow who cannot afford a pc for himself.

    ps: please delete my previous comment

  4. I spent so much money in our neighborhood arcade! My kids ask me, “Tell me about the old days, mom, when you had to leave the house to play video games.” Ahh, youth!
    I love those Pacman cookies. I was quite the Ms. Pacman gal myself. My best friend was great at that Mars game, but who can recall the name?

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