After a day of debugging

After a whole day of helping other people fix their blogs, somehow mine is broken! My liveblogging post maybe has an error, or my connection might be timing out. I’ll try to post it again in a little while. It’s been a long, fantastic day at BlogHer in Boston.

2 thoughts on “After a day of debugging

  1. I am not the one to advice you. I am just 13. You have lots of experience than me. Still I say, helping others is good. But always give priority to your own matters. That’s the way to go in today’s world.

    I want to enter for the HP/Microsoft giveaway. If I get the gift, i will keep the desktop pc and one laptop with me. Also the printer, ink cartridge, media connect and 1 copy of Kungfu Panda. Others will be given to my school or classmates.

    I have posted the link to comment on my orkut profile in ‘About me’ section.

    I hope you will pick me for the gift

  2. Helping ppl fixing their blogs?! Greet, I’d like to make use of some your help, please have a look at my blog and advice me..
    The problem that you didn’t determine bug’s type, whether it is male or female .. that could help in “how to deal with the bug”.
    Regardless of its sex, but I think that such bugs can appear due to using the computer for long time.

    Lets move to the beef .. 😀
    I wish I become one of the winners of the HP Magic Gateway event.
    How would I share the magic:
    My Grandmother (Inspite of being and old woman, but is angry that she was deprived from secondary [high school] and college education and she is very passion and intellectual, she always demand to learn computer and Internet to read papers, books and communicate her sister abroad, and it is a good chance to present her a PC , learn her basics and she is a very good self learner), my cousin (a CSE first year student) and my classmates (Third year CSE students, I mean picking one or two of them at random, consequently, I’m a third year student :D).

    How would I use the prize:
    I’d like to have a laptop to ease my academic life and save the 2 wasted hrs daily in transprting between home and college to use my computer (home desktop), making use of the wireless printer and the MediaSmart Connect and discovering the HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC.

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