Feminism and blogs

There’s a panel on November 14, Blogging Feminism: (Web)Sites of Resistance, at Barnard:

Of the internet’s viability as a tool for political change, we ask, is there a better example than the blog? Young and youthfully minded feminists have learned that blogging allows them to carve out personal and political spaces where their lives, their issues, their analyses of the world can come into sharp focus. Outside the confines of mainstream media, where women are addressed (usually exclusively) as consumers, feminist bloggers have become the cultural producers blazing some of the most radical and rousing paths toward revolutionary social change.

In celebration of the publication of this fall’s issue of The Scholar & Feminist Online, guest editors Gwendolyn Beetham and Jessica Valenti come together with select contributors to discuss how feminists are fulfilling the promise of creating a cybercommunity dedicated to securing a more just and peaceful world. Panelists include Lauren Spees and Michelle Riblett, BC ’05 (Hollaback), Liza Sabater (Culture Kitchen), among others. Join us for a spirited discussion of feminism in the 21st century.

Good! We need more discussions like this. We need to be documenting our feminism, compiling references, making solid, lasting interconnections. The Scholar and Feminist Online seems like a good step.

We’ve had one feminist think tank discussion in chat since the Wiscon “Feminist think tank” panel, and other projects spawned from it, like the stuff at feministsf.net – a group blog, a wiki, a carnival of feminism in SF, and more.

I still think that Wikipedia’s dearth of information on feminism needs to be addressed and fixed, but we also need new tools.

4 thoughts on “Feminism and blogs

  1. That’s great, I know most of the articles there are in Arabic, which is one of the main Egyptian blogosphere problems. But it’s nice to see you interested in Egyptian matters.

  2. So awesome – it turns out I am going to be in New York. I’m going a few days early so I can go to this Blogging & Feminism talk!


    See you there, people!

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