A list not to forget to say

purple flowers, red fuzzy buds
Originally uploaded by Liz Henry.

I have a backup of posts I want to write here:

– the Main Gallery reading in Redwood City

– the benefit at Varnish; Shauna Rogan’s excellent Babylon book; rambling about such cut-up projects and what makes them good or bad in my eyes; playfulness and seriousness (good) pretentious and meaningless-for-experimentalness’ sake (bad)

– César Vallejo “Marcha Nupcial / Wedding March” broadside/booklet from Backwoods Broadsides, which looks like a wonderful series. I want them all!

– my own reading coming up at the Overpass Gallery.

– the fun of being on the radio the other day

– Poetry I’ve been reading: Bullets & Butterflies book. Imaginary Poets from Tupelo Press. Nightingale’s Burden. Gabriela Mistral. Another wildly sexist anthology.

– That airplane poem by Maria Sabas Aloma and why it charms me; airplanes in women’s poetry in the 19-teens and 1920s; vehicles; unmapped space; do women write poetry to their cars? (I have – to my truck & sort of in general)

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