more from bloggercon's user bitch panel

I like what Jesse just said about how users don’t need to talk to support people, who don’t care about what you want… support people want to train users to do what they’re supposed to be doing with the software. but users need to be talking to developers about what they actually WANT.

Jay rosen talks about tabs. “you jerks! you could have done it years ago!” hahah!

I stood up to say, “I dig flickr and flock and they do a lot of things right as far as transparency and integration with blogging/tagging… And then, I’m taking your picture, right now, with my cameraphone. and it’s going to take me 7 or 8 clicks and 60 seconds to email this photo to my flickr account. and it should be one button. customizable, common things you might want to to, customizable, with one button, like a script or a macro, but not so in depth.” someone said that HIS phone does that already … well… fine… good… but they all should, and a lot of software should work that way. You should be able to make your own “commonly done thing” happen.

chris heuer is talking about embedding odeo … contact info into software… feedback button built into software.

microsoft has a thing called “send a smile” and you click on a smiley or frowny face, and type in why you liked it or you hated it. it’s like instant gratification.

Actually that sounds kind of cool.

What I think is… what you need is the smiley, the frowny, and the DATA… so users can see what other users are saying, see the smiileys and the frownies of other people!! for collectivity.

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